49 Remedy Family Kit

49 Remedy Family Kit


The standard kit contains: Aconite 10M, Anacardium 200C, Ant Tart 200C, Apis 1M, Arnica 10M, Arsenicum 1M, Belladonna 200C, Bellis Perennis 200C, Bryonia 200C, Buddleja 200C, Calc Carb 200C, Calc Phos 200C, Calendula 200C, Cantharis 200C, Carbo Veg 200C, Causticum 200C, Chamomilla 200C, China 200C, Coffea Cruda 200C, Euphrasia 200C, Ferrum Phos 200C, Gelsemium 200C, Hepar Sulph 200C, Hypericum 200C, Ignatia 200C, Ipecac 200C, Kali Carb 200C, Kali Phos 200C, Lac Humanum 200C, Lachesis 200C, Ledum 200C, Lycopodium 200C, Mag Phos 200C, Mercurius 200C, Nat Mur 200C, Nat Sulph 10M, Nux Vom 10M, Phosphorus 200C Phytolacca 200C, Pulsatilla 10M, Pyrogen 10M, Rhus Tox 200C, Sabina 200C, Sepia 10M, Silicea 200C, Staphysagria 200C, Stramonium 200C, Thuja 200C, Urtica Urens 200C

1 in stock



This is a kit that comes with a 1 dram vial of each remedy that contains approximately 750 #10 poppyseed size pellets. The kit box is made from coroplast and can easily be wiped off with damp cloth. We include waterproof labels on the vials and a laminated map of the contents of the box on the inside lid.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz